Page 77 - Hollard Private Portfolio - Version 3.3
P. 77
Cyber insurance
Claims conditions
The conditions set out in the General terms and conditions: Claiming under this policy do not apply to the Cyber insurance section.
○ How to claim
– Tell us right away
Contact your broker or the emergency response hotline shown in your policy schedule to notify us of a claim as soon as possible, but no later than 72 hours after the claim event. We will tell you what evidence and other documents we need to process the claim.
– Report theft of funds to the issuing bank or mobile wallet company within 48 hours of discovering the theft.
– Report a crime to the police within 72 hours.
– You must do the following when you submit a claim
• Provide evidence of the claim event and describe the likely consequences.
• Preserve any hardware, software and digital data and make these available to us.
• Follow our recommendations to prevent further loss.
• Make use of our service providers.
• Take all reasonable and necessary measures to minimise the duration and effect of any losses after an event.
• Contact your broker immediately if you receive a letter of demand, summons or if another legal process was issued by you or against you.
• Provide complete information on time and send any police reports, court documents, letters of demand or any settlement offers to us.
– You must never do any of the following:
• Admit guilt, fault, liability, or incur any legal costs without first getting our permission.
• Offer or negotiate to pay a claim.
• Accept any offer from another person for any damage that you want to claim for under this policy. If you do, you will not have any claim under this policy.
○ How we deal with a third party liability claim
– A third party claim must be made against you and reported to us during the period of insurance.
– We will consider whether you are responsible for causing the damage or loss.
– If we do not consider you responsible, we will reject the claim and send a rejection letter to you and the person claiming liability against you.
– If you are responsible, we will negotiate with the other party on your behalf. We will attempt to reach a settlement agreement for the amount of the loss, damage or injury.
– If we cannot reach a settlement, or if we receive a summons from the court, we will go to court on your behalf. This means that we take over your rights to defend yourself.
– The law allows three years from the date of the claim event, for the other person to claim from you.
○ What we will pay
– We will pay the actual amount of liability, legal costs or expenses up to the limits shown in the policy schedule.
• A maximum limit will apply within one year irrespective of the number of claims you may have during the period of insurance.
• All pay-outs are made in South Africa, in local currency.
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