Page 78 - Hollard Private Portfolio - Version 3.3
P. 78
○ Who we will pay
– We will pay the benefit amount to you or the approved service provider who assisted you with your
– If we accept legal liability on your behalf, we will pay the benefit amount to the person that is claiming liability against you.
○ Help us with any legal proceedings
Your assistance may be required if we decide to start legal proceedings against any party responsible for the
loss. Note that any such legal action may be taken in your name.
○ Our responsibility ends after we have paid a claim
Once we have paid a claim, we have met our responsibilities to you under this policy. We will not be responsible
for any other costs relating to that claim.
○ We will not pay any interest
We do not pay interest on any amount due by us unless ordered to do so by a South African court of law or
agreed arbitrator.
○ If you do not agree with our claims decision
Please refer to the process explained under How to complain in the General terms & conditions policy section.
○ Prescription – expiry of claims
When a claim prescribes, it means that you have lost your right to claim and we will no longer be legally
responsible to pay that claim.
A claim will prescribe after 12 months from the date of the event, unless any of the following applies:
You have referred the claim to the Ombudsman for Short-term Insurance. You have started legal action against us.
The claim relates to your legal liability towards another person.
Cyber insurance
Hollard Private Portfolio – Version 3.3 – 9 Feb 2023