Page 98 - Hollard Private Portfolio - Version 3.3
P. 98

  Comprehensive cover
WHAT WE COVER YOU FOR (INSURED EVENTS) All loss and damage covered
You are covered for accidental loss or damage to your vehicle from any accidental cause, as well as any resulting liability to third parties.
Towing your vehicle to a place of safety
If your vehicle is immobilised and cannot be driven away as a result of an insured event, we will pay for it to be towed or delivered to a place of safety. We will also pay for any emergency repairs you authorised enabling you to continue on your journey, but you must obtain an itemised invoice.
This must not exceed the limit stated in the Schedule.
If your vehicle is immobilised as a result of a mechanical or electrical breakdown, we will pay for it to be towed to a place of safety. We will pay for this only once every 12 months, up to the limit stated in the Schedule.
You are travelling on the highway and smash into the car in front of you. We will pay for the damage to your car, as well as damage to the other car.
  96 Hollard Private Portfolio – Version 3.3 – 9 Feb 2023

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