Page 36 - Policy Wording - Hollard Business Binder (2020-06-24)
P. 36
4. Rates
Silos and contents:
a) Fire and allied perils
b) Fire, lightning and explosion
.775% .575%
a) 15% of claim minimum R2 000
b) 10% of claim minimum R1 000
c) Lightning: additional R7 500
Bags and contents:
a) Fire and allied perils
b) Fire, lightning and explosion
1.275% .850%
a) 15% of claim minimum R2 500
b) 10% of claim minimum R1 500
c) Lightning: additional R7 500
4.6 Hammer mills – Agri only
4.6.1 Extremely hazardous if not operated properly.
4.6.2 The mill is fed with lucerne for cutting and more than often wire and small rocks are fed at the same time causing sparks.
4.6.3 With the high dust content in and around the mill ignition is imminent and rapid spreading of fire quite possible.
4.6.4 No mill must be placed within a building and it must be declined if not placed at least 5m (five metres) away from any structure.
Further than 5 metres from any building or
structure. 1.275%
Closer than 5 metres from any building/
structure. Refer Hollard
10% of claim minimum R2 000
Refer Hollard
Stacks, hay and lucerne in the open (dry fodder) – Agri only
4.7.1 4.7.2
4.7.3 4.7.4 4.7.5 4.7.6 4.7.7
4.7.8 4.7.9
Maximum per stack not exceeding R300 000 (three hundred thousand rand).
Maximum per location not exceeding R1 250 000 (one million two hundred and fifty thousand rand).
Stacks must be 10m (ten metres) or more apart.
Area not less than 30m (thirty metres) surrounding stacks must be kept clear of flammables.
Area must be fenced.
An excess of 25% (twenty five percent) of the claim applies.
Remember the stacks are in the open and exposed to the element hence the restriction of perils to fire and lightning only.
Be careful when more perils are requested, wet stacks are prone to spontaneous combustion.
Usually contents prone to water are stored on pallets. For stacks this is impractical and a meaningful excess must apply.
Commercial Underwriting Mandates and Guidelines – Binder – Version 2 2020