Page 37 - Policy Wording - Hollard Business Binder (2020-06-24)
P. 37
a) In the open, fire and lightning only.
b) Warranties:
i) Maximum value any one stack limited to R300 000.
ii) Maximum any one location (accumulation) limited to R1 250 000.
iii) Minimum distance between stacks no less than 10m.
iv) Minimum of 30m surrounding stacks clear of flammables.
v) Perils limited to fire and lightning.
vi) Total area must be fenced.
a) 25% of claim
b) Water damage: additional 10% of claim, minimum R1 000
a) In buildings.
b) Warranties:
i) Maximum value in any one building limited to R300 000.
ii) Maximum any one location (accumulation) limited to R1 250 000.
iii) Minimum height (on pallets) stored no less than 10cm if possible.
iv) Full combined fire perils.
v) Minimum distance between storage barns no less than 10m.
iv) Minimum of 30m surrounding storage barns clear of flammables.
a) 25% of claim
b) Water damage: additional 10% of claim, minimum R1 000
4.8 Shade nets, plastic covers, tunnels or similar growing tunnels
4.8.1 4.8.2
4.8.3 4.8.4
Must be referred to Hollard for sign off before quoting.
Hail force is not the real issue here, but rather accumulation. Hail accumulates and the weight causes the cover to collapse.
It is important to have a drawing/plan to evaluate gradients are sufficient.
Installation must be by a professional and not by the farmer/owner and in accordance with manufacturer's specifications.
Property description
Fire, lightning, explosion
Fire and allied perils
a) Shade nets 1.00% 1.575%
b) Plastic coverings .850% 1.850%
4.8.5 Shade nets depreciation Shade nets and plastic coverings are not as durable as metal or more solid material; the Insured has to take responsibility in the form of co-insurer in terms of the nets and plastic coverings; the Policy wording makes provision for an amount of R50 000 (fifty thousand rand), but this limit can be increased at an additional premium; the condition of average applies;
Commercial Underwriting Mandates and Guidelines – Binder – Version 2 2020 35