Page 12 - Policy Wording - Commercial Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines Binder Addendum
P. 12

 Annexure A – Treaty Exclusions
  1. All legal liabilities other than Owners/Occupiers liability insured under House-owners, Combined and Office Comprehensive policies.
2. Policies issued for a period exceeding twelve months plus odd time.
3. Contractors’ All Risks, Erection All Risks, Machinery Breakdown policies and all Business Interruption resulting therefrom which exceeds ZAR 10,000,000 or USD 1,000,000 or GBP 500,000 or equivalent in other currencies any one policy for the Reinsured’s share.
4. Marine Hull and Cargo policies and all Business Interruption resulting therefrom, but not applicable to Artinsure.
5. Inland Transit and all Business Interruption resulting therefrom which exceeds ZAR 10,000,000 or USD 1,000,000 or GBP 500,000 or equivalent in other currencies any one policy for the Reinsured’s share (other than for Fire and Allied Perils), but not applicable to Artinsure.
6. Aviation Hull and Liabilities including Air Cargo and all Business Interruption resulting therefrom.
7. Any exposures from Offshore risks.
8. Motor Policies of any type.
9. Fidelity Guarantee and all Business Interruption resulting therefrom.
10. Theft which exceeds ZAR 5,000,000 or USD 500,000 or GBP 250,000 or equivalent in other currencies any one policy for the Reinsured’s share ZAR 5,000,000 or USD 500,000 or GBP 250,000 (other than Domestic Combined and Office Comprehensive and Electronic equipment Policies), but not applicable to Artinsure.
11. Hail on Growing Crops or when written as a peril separately and all Business Interruption resulting therefrom.
12. Growing Timber Risks.
13. Comprehensive Crop Insurance and all Business Interruption resulting therefrom.
14. Money and all Business Interruption resulting therefrom which exceeds ZAR 5,000,000 or USD 500,000 or GBP 250,000 or equivalent in other currencies any one policy for the Reinsured’s share (other than money covered on a Fire and Allied Perils policy).
15. Accidental Damage and Business Interruption resulting therefrom which exceeds ZAR 50,000,000 or USD 5,000,000 or GBP 2,500,000 or equivalent in other currencies any one policy for the Reinsured’s share, but not applicable to Artinsure.
16. Livestock and all Business Interruption resulting therefrom (other than Livestock covered on a Fire and Allied Perils Policy).
17. All policies which incorporate an aggregate excess, which applies to Motor, Liability, Marine and Aviation business.
18. Gradual Pollution and/or contamination.
19. Contingent Business Interruption cover without a physical damage proviso. The physical damage proviso can be waived in respect of Public telecommunication/Public Utilities - extended cover/Miscellaneous Risks Extension, if all covered perils that do not require a physical damage are subject to a sub-limit of ZAR 20,000,000 or USD 2,000,000 or GBP 1,000,000
20. Contingent Business Interruption cover that does not comply with the following requirements, but not applicable to Personal Lines business:
Commercial Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines – Binder Addendums – Version 2 2020
20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6
Any Named Customers and Suppliers extension has to be sub-limited below the Business Interruption Sum Insured as stated in the underlying policy schedule.
Any Unnamed Suppliers extension has to be sub-limited to no more than ZAR 150,000,000 or USD 15,000,000 or GBP 7,500,000.
Any Denial of Access extension has to be sub-limited below the Business Interruption Sum Insured as stated in the Risk Details and has to be limited to within 50 kilometers of the vicinity of the insured location.
Any Loss of Attraction extension has to be sub-limited below the business Interruption Sum Insured as stated in the underlying policy schedule.
Any Public Utilities extension has to be sub-limited below the business Interruption sum Insured as stated in the underlying policy schedule.
Cover for Unnamed Customers is excluded.

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