Page 30 - Policy Wording - Commercial Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines Binder Addendum
P. 30
Annexure C – Risk Classification
1 Maximum amounts kept in safe/receptacles: R10 000, basic alarm, office premises
2 Maximum amounts kept in safe/receptacles: R50 000, linked alarm, shop
3 Bottle stores, cafes, chemists, garages, video shops, supermarkets
4 Accommodation in isolated areas, amusement arcades – refer to Hollard
5 Decline, banks, ATMs, casinos
1 Load not susceptible to breakage and/or theft, unattractive
2 Load moderately susceptible to breakage and/or theft, attractive
3 Load highly susceptible to breakage and/or theft, attractive
4 Electronic goods, television sets, photographic equipment
5 Decline
A Low risk of injury, spread of fire, low people volume
B Moderately low risk of injury, spread of fire, low people volume
C Semi to high risk occupation, explosion, bodily injury
D High risk occupation
E Accommodation – refer to Hollard
F Decline
Goods in Transit
Combined Liability
Commercial Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines – Binder Addendums – Version 2 2020 2