Page 32 - 2015 A2LA AnnualReport
P. 32

International Mutual Recognition (IAAC)

The Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC)
Multi-Lateral Arrangement (MLA)

On October 24, 2002, A2LA, INMETRO (Brazil) and SCC (Canada) signed the Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC) multi-lateral arrangement.

The IAAC is an association of accreditation bodies and other organizations interested in conformity assessment in the Americas.

Signatories to the IAAC MLA (as well as their Scope of Recognition) as of March 4, 2016, include:

 OAA – Argentina (testing, ISO 15189,               OGA – Guatemala (testing, ISO 15189,             ASCLD/LAB – USA (testing)
  calibration, inspection, product certification)      calibration, inspection)                          NVLAP – USA (testing, calibration)
                                                                                                         OUA – Uruguay (testing, calibration, product
 CGCRE – Brazil (testing, ISO 15189, calibration,   JANAAC – Jamaica (testing, ISO 15189)
  inspection, product certification)                  ema – Mexico (testing, ISO 15189, calibration,    certification)

 SCC – Canada (testing, ISO 15189, calibration,      inspection, product certification)               By signing the arrangement, all organizations
  product certification)                              ONA – Nicaragua (testing)                       listed agree to formally recognize and promote
                                                      ONA – Paraguay (testing, inspection, product    the equivalency of each other’s accreditations. 	
 INN – Chile (testing, ISO 15189, calibration)
 ONAC – Colombia (testing, calibration)              certification)
 ECA – Costa Rica (testing, calibration,            INDECOPI-SNA – Peru (testing, calibration,

  inspection, product certification)                   inspection, product certification)
 ONARC – Cuba (testing, calibration)                A2LA – USA (testing, ISO 15189, calibration,
 SAE – Ecuador (testing, calibration, inspection,
                                                       inspection, product certification)
  product certification)                              AIHA-LAP – USA (testing)
 OSA – El Salvador (testing)                        ANAB – USA (testing, calibration, inspection)

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