Page 4 - HEF Extra Credit Sept21
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Celebrating 20 years of supporting public education in the Helena community
u A non-profit charitable organization
u Independent of the Helena Public School District, but one that is complementary to and collaborative with it
u Dependent on donations and sponsorships to fund programs
u Governed by a community representative board of directors
u A recognized leader and mentor among Montana’s education foundations
u Thoughtful, responsible stewards of donations received
Who we are:
What we do:
We provide private support beyond that which is constitutionally mandated to fund innovation and special opportunities for all students.
We provide value to Helena school students and staff by serving as a catalyst and funding source for new ideas, programs and educational methods.
Why we do it:
Public schools forge healthy communities and enhance the quality of life for all of us. HEF provides opportunities for the entire community to invest time, assets and talent in our schools. We believe that great schools are everyone’s business!
Whom we serve:
Students H Parents H Teachers H Administrators H The Helena community Donors who value and support quality public education
We welcome your ideas, time and support for our many worthwhile programs. Together, we impact students, teachers and public schools in positive ways!
Lisa Cordingley, Executive Director H Teresa Geremia-Chart, Deputy Director FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Kyle Spencer, President, Allegra Marketing, Print, Mail Tim Meldrum, President Elect, SMA
Merwin Barrows, Secretary, Ret. Carroll College Jason Loble, Treasurer, Crowley Fleck PLLP
Corey Crum, Past President, First Interstate Bank
Sue Sweeney, Member at large, Ret. Broadwater School Principal Chris Christensen, Ret. Montana Crime Control
Ellen Feaver, Ret. Owner, CPA Anderson ZurMuehlen Brandy Garber, PayneWest Insurance Cadence Hatten, Capital High Student Representative Randi Heigh, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Montana Graden Marcelle, Montana Department of Labor Isaac Nehring, Helena High Student Representative Rex Weltz, Superintendent, Helena School District