Page 2 - HERO Packet: Ginger Vitis (SCOUTS)
P. 2

Scouts may also participate on their own to qualify to win exciting prizes. See the next page for details!
From the Office of the Executive Director
Dear Scout Troop,
Thank you for helping us take on the disgusting villain, Ginger Vitis!
Ginger Vitis is sneaky and works slowly over time to cause sore, swollen and bleeding gums (see photo.) If left unchecked, Ginger Vitis will turn into Periodontitis (sounds like Pare-ee-o-don-tie-tis), an advanced form of gum disease that can cause teeth to become loose and fall out! Your mission is find out how to defeat Ginger Vitis to keep your gums healthy, and share what you learn to help others protect their gums from Ginger Vitis too.
Don’t let Ginger Vitis harm your gums and the gums of other kids in America! Here is how you can help:
1. Ask your friends and family if they know how to protect their gums from Ginger Vitis. Use the survey form that is in this packet to record their answers.
2. Use the charts in this packet to track how you protect your teeth and gums for two weeks. Then challenge a friend or family member to track their dental hygiene habits too.
3. Compile your Troop’s findings and report back to Mission Control before midnight on July 31, 2021. At least one member of your Troop or a Troop leader must tell us what you learned during your investigation with a quick video message, no longer than 30 seconds.
For completing your Oral Health Action HERO mission, your Troop will receive an Oral Health Action HERO patch for each Scout. Everything you need is in this packet.
Be sure to check your email for secret messages from America’s ToothFairy! We’ll send tips, videos and reminders to help keep your Troop on track.
Good luck, Scouts! I look forward to rewarding you for a job well done! Sincerely,
Jill Malmgren, Executive Director
Your mission is possible with support from:

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