Page 11 - laundry brochure 2020FIN
P. 11


   Novecento Laundry      Novecento          Angelo Laundry         Angelo          Berlino Laundry        Berlino
   Conversion Set (pair)  Laundry Taps (pair)  Conversion Set (pair)  Laundry Taps (pair)  Conversion Set (pair)  Laundry Taps (pair)
        NV LCS               NV LT              AN LCS              AN LT               BE LCS              BE LT
                          Outlet 20mm                             Outlet 20mm                             Outlet 20mm


        Slimline Sinks                      Bacino Tight Radius Bowls                     Optional Extras
        DESignED fOr 500mm DEEP bEnChTOPS

                Mega 240                               Bacino 542                             Tub Bucket
              AQ MEGA240 SK                           AQ BACINo 542                          SP TUB BUCKET

         •  Can be surface or undermounted   •  Single deep bowl, undermount only
         •  Comes with one strainer waste    •  Comes with one overflow and strainer waste
         •  Overall size: 640 x 480mm        •  1.0mm thick, 304 18/10 stainless steel
         •  Bowl: 375 x 535 x 220mm deep     •  25mm tight radius, 15mm edge
                                             •  Sound insulation pads
                                             •  Bowl: 500w x 400d x 190mm bowl depth

    POPulAr Sink mixErS YOu mAY WiSh TO PAir WiTh YOur lAunDrY bOWl (*AbOvE)

     Kuchena Sink Mixer with Spray Chrome    Kuchena Gooseneck Sink Mixer Chrome             Saluto Sink Mixer
               KU SM CoIL CH                          KU SM GNECK CH                             SA SMAP
             Mains Pressure only                    Mains Pressure only               Suitable All Pressures above 35kPa
       Available in Chrome, Black, Bronze and    Available in Chrome, Oatmeal, Black, Bronze and    WELS 3 Star Mains Pressure 9 ℓ/min
             Brushed Nickel finishes                Brushed Nickel finishes            WELS 3 Star Low/Unequal Pressure 9 ℓ/min
         WELS 3 Star Mains Pressure 9 ℓ/min     WELS 0 Star Mains Pressure 9.4 ℓ/min

         Deluna Gooseneck Sink Mixer          Deluna Sink Mixer with Pull-Out Head   Deluna Sink Mixer with Pull-Out Spray
                DE SM GNECK                              DE SMPoH                                DE SMPS
             Mains Pressure only                     Mains Pressure only                    Mains Pressure only
              Stainless Steel finish                  Stainless Steel finish                 Stainless Steel finish
          WELS 3 Star Mains Pressure 9 ℓ/min     WELS 3 Star Mains Pressure 9 ℓ/min      WELS 3 Star Mains Pressure 9 ℓ/min  11
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