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Colorado State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Colorado counties cooperating. CSU Extension programs are available to all without discrimination. No endorsement of products mentioned is intended nor is criticism implied of products not mentioned.
Pest Identi cation. You need to know what pest you have to determine the best treatment options. Do your own research and contact an expert Colorado Master Gardener through your local CSU Extension of ce. Once you have identi ed a pest, action is possible. Below are some examples of common summer pests along the Front Range.
Japanese Beetle. Accidentally introduced into New Jersey from Japan in 1916, the Japanese Beetle has invaded most of the Eastern United States and much of the West. The larvae, a kind of “white grub,” cause some damage to turf, but the voracious appetite of adults is usually what gardeners notice. Adult Japanese Beetles are strong iers, which makes control of adults by managing the larvae very dif cult. Mechanical removal may be the best option for adult beetle control in your garden. The beetles can be hand-picked and dropped into a container lled with soapy water. Some insecticides are effective on adult beetles; follow the instructions on the label carefully. Because adult Japanese Beetles often feed on owers, the risk to pollinators like bees and butter ies is extreme. Noinsecticidescanbeappliedtoany oweringplant during a time bees are visiting the plant.
You may have seen or heard of traps for these marauders. Homeowners are advised not to use Japanese Beetle traps. Traps use an attractant to lure beetles inside; but beetle numbers are often so high that traps are overwhelmed, leaving you with an increased density of beetles on your plants!.
Aphids and Scale. Aphids and scale insects feed on plant juices. Theycanbedif culttodetect—shinyorstickyleaves or surfaces on or below infected plants are often the rst thing to be noticed rather than the insects themselves. This is caused by the insects’ excretion of honeydew, the “digestive aftermath” of the plant sap that passes through the insects. Honeydew is sugary and can promote sooty mold (a blackish fungus that consumes the honeydew and turns everything a charcoal color) and attract ants and wasps.
Mechanical removal (e.g. forceful sprays of water, removal with a cloth or toothbrush) is an effective measure for small infestations of sap-sucking insects. A variety of predators provide natural control. Ladybird beetles, green lacewings, ower y (syrphid) larvae, and tiny parasitic wasps all prey on
aphids. Growing small- owered, nectar-producing plants like dill, yarrow, or sweet alyssum can help attract these bene cial insects.
Spider Mites. Spider mites are common in hot, dry conditions. Spider mites, as their name suggests, are arachnids. Spider mite injury includes yellowing or bronzing of leaves, which could drop off if damage is severe. Some webbing may be visible at the site of a large infestation. Adequate watering of plants during dry conditions can be one of the most important steps in preventing mite damage.
Brought to you by Colorado State University Master GardenersSM. Contact the help desk: dcmgardenr@ and visit
Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters • August 2020
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