Page 23 - AreaNewsletters "May'19" issue
P. 23

10 Ways to Avoid the
Summer Slide
by Ann Mitchell, owner,
Castle Rock Online Reading Tutor
Many years ago as I worked outside of the home I thought,” don’t let your kids go down the Summer Slide? Why not?” Well, come to  nd out after I grew up a little it’s not the kind of slide you  nd at the playground, it’s the slide that kids go down being out of school for the Summer! Hense, don’t let your kids go down the Summer Slide!
1. Go to your public library – many public libraries near you may have a summer reading program. I know the one near me has a program where the children log the minutes that they read and at the end of the summer win an assortment of prizes.
2. Keep a journal or a scavenger hunt – a scavenger hunt sounds like so much fun. First, create a list of items that the kids need to  nd around the house or even a campground. Then, divide them up so you have one item at a time to look for and o  they go. A journal could be used as an activity right before bedtime to write down what they did that day or even hope to do the next.
3. Books and crafts – I had the opportunity to talk with Alex- andra of Scissors and Glue a blog based upon book reviews that she does and the activities she creates with each one. Take a look around and if you do not see a book listed she does have a form that you can request for her to do a review.
4. Cook a meal together – look through recipes on the com- puter or cookbook, print it out, make a grocery list of items together and go shopping. Next, get everything together and work together to make an awesome dessert or even snacks for a picnic.
5. Plant  owers or build a birdhouse – Your local home store may have plenty of  owers to plant or birdhouses to build. Talk about colors, what you are going to need (dirt, hammer, paint, nails), make a list and work together to plant or build.
6. Science or Art museum – check and see if there are any FREE Family days. Have an adventure!
7. Local YMCA or recreation center – A few recreation cen- ters have kids activities that are structured. They may even have daily excursions.
8. Family trip – Summertime there is nothing better than a family trip. Whether it is in your hometown as a stay-cation or an across country trip, there are always things to incorporate
learning. Don’t forget your journal and especially your camera. The old pictures that I pull up with my family are so fun to look at now. Have them track the miles to the next rest stop or campground, even the motel or families house you will be visiting. Create a list of things to do while there and have them write it. So much to learn on a family outing.
9. A good book to read – grab a good book and lay in the shade or at the pool.
10.OurSummertimeReadingAdventure: https://castlerock-
CasttlleRockTuttoriing MatthReadiing
Summertime Reading Adventure
Let’s build your
child’s con dence to
succeed academically!
We can work together to keep your child’s mind stimulated and challenged throughout the school year.
Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters • May 2019
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