Page 29 - AreaNewsletters "Jan 2022" issue
P. 29
B US I NE S S & F I NA NCE Setting Goals for the New Year By Lisa Christianson, Castle Rock Headshots As we say goodbye to 2021 and plan for a strong 2022, here’s some tips to successful goal setting for the new year. Think Ahead and Work Backwards. Look at where you are now and where you’d like to be this time next year. Put a plan in place to get there and push yourself along the way. I like to put something on my desk or wall to constantly remind me of my end goal. It keeps me motivated and focused on reaching my goals. Be Realistic. Be honest with yourself and make a distinction between your goal and your dream. A dream is something you can aspire to reach, whereas a goal requires ownership, hard work, self-discipline and sacri ce to achieve it. You should be pushing yourself to obtain your goals. You can do it if you set your mind to it! Keep Your Future in Mind. Think of what you would like to have in your life, and where you’d like to be in two, ve, or even 10 years, and set goals that bring you closer to that picture. Your future is uid and changes over time so be willing to be exible, reassess and redirect as you see t. Make a Plan for Accomplishing Your Goals. This leads us into mapping out the small steps to reach your end goal. I tend to work backwards in myplanningstages,whatworksbestforyou?Think about assigning goals to speci c time periods. Some will have xed deadlines, while other goals could happen at any time. Don’t Go At It Alone. Surround yourself with the friends, family, and like-minded professionals that will encourage you to along the way. There will always be ups and downs when you are trying to make a change and reach your goals. A strong support system will keep you motivated and encouraged. I wish you all the best in the new year and I wish you success in all you do! Lisa Christianson Photography Castle Rock Headshots High-End Headshots Branding Business Portraits Corporate Sessions located in the heart of downtown Castle Rock 350 Perry Street 29 Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters” • January 2022