Page 20 - AreaNewsletters "Apr'18" issue
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CSU Summer Camps at the Mac Town of Castle Rock
F A Mi L y
Castle Rock Genealogical Society
More Info & Register at
EVERy WEDNESDAy! 9a-12p, drop by to “Ask a Genealogist” a question. Bring your documents, your questions, your brick wall..... and get one-to-one help from an experienced researcher who is waiting to help you! Look for the sign near the history research area
of the Castle Rock library!
Photo by Candy McCune, CRCGS Historian
MONDAy MORNINGS: Stop by the Castle rock Library any Mon- day at 10:00 for a casual and open discussion about genealogy. • Areyouashybeginnerwhodoesn’tknowwhattoask?we’veall
been there.
• Are you stalled by a sudden research roadblock? we might be
able to help.
• doyouhavesomeexperiencebutneedsometipsorafreshstart?
Try Us! This is really crowd-sourcing at its best. We can spur your enthusiasm and give your research the boost it needs. you will meet other researchers of all levels, have a place to contribute what you know, or just listen to the conversation. We call this weekly forum “Genealogy ShARE,” and everyone is welcome. It’s FrEE...just drop in!
3rd SATURDAy each month – we o er a FrEE special presentation! On Saturday, April 21st, 10:00-noon, Guest Presenter and Gene- alogist, Bobbi King presents: “Aliens and naturalization” Immigrationfromtheearly1600sintothe20thCenturyinitiatedlaws and regulations that determined the records we discover today for our immigrant ancestors; and connects the immigration laws of the time to the records generated and the information they contain.
On Saturday, May 19th – Kathy Tarullo presents “State and Special Censuses”. Many of us use Federal Census records as the backbone of our family history work. have you also tapped intotherichresourcesfoundinspecialcensuses? Federaland state governments as well and other agencies have created a rich treasure trove of genealogical information in special censuses. Come see what information is available and learn how to access these special censuses.
Faith Lutheran Church Grief Classes help
Find Help Discover Hope Experience Healing
303 n. ridge rd., Castle rock • 303-688-3476
303 North Ridge Road
Castle Rock, CO
FREE Genealogy Class and Discussion in APRIL Tues., April 17 – 6:30-8:30pm
“Using FamilySearch” ~ roundtable discussion
April 2018 • Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters” 20
Everyone is welcome. Stop by!
All programs are FrEE!

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