Page 6 - Scotland's Unsung Castles
P. 6

Scotland's Unsung Castles

                                               Barclosh Castle                     Cardoness Castle
       Auchindoun Castle                       Barnes Castle                       Carnell Tower
       Auldhame Castle                         Barjarg Tower                       Carstairs Castle
       Affleck Castle                          Bass Rock Castle                    Claig Castle on, Am Fraoch Eilean
       Aikenway Castle                         Belltrees Peel                      Carrick Castle
       Ailsa Craig Castles                     Billie Castle                       Carnegie Castle
       Airlie Castle                           Bishop's Castle  Glasgow            Carnasserie Castle
       Almound Castle                          Bishop's Palace Kirkwall            Carsluith Castle
       Ardencaple Castle                       Black Castle East Lothian           Castle Campbell
       Ardrossan Castle                        Black Castle of Moulin              Castlecraig
       Ardross Castle, Fife                    Blairfindy Castle                   Castlecary Castle
       Ardstincher Castle                      Blervie Castle                      Castle Cluggy
       Ardgowen Castle                         Bognie Castle                       Castle Huntly  HM Prison
       Ardtronish Castle                       Bonhard Castle                      Castle Newe
       Armadale Castle                         Borve Castle Benbecula              Castle of Old Wick
       Arnot Tower                             Borve Castle Sutherland             Castle Kennedy
       Aros Castle                             Bothwell Castle                     Castle Sinclair Girnigoe
       Aslieske Castle                         Borthwick Castle Scottish Borders   Castle of Rattray
       Auchans Castle Ayrshire                 Braal Castle                        Castle Stalker
       Auchen Castle                           Braikie Castle                      Castle Toward
       Auchenhove Castle                       Breckness Castle                    Castle Sween
       Auchenrivock Castle                     Brims Castle                        Castle Tioram
       Auchencloigh Castle                     Broadstone Castle                   Castle Wemyss
       Auchenbathie Castle                     Buchanan Castle                     Caisteal Bharraich or Castle Varrich
       Auchenharvie Castle                     Buittle Castle                      Cavers Castle
       Ardvreck Castle                         Burleigh Castle                     Cessford Castle
                                               Burgie Castle                       Cessnock Castle
                                               Busbie Castle                       Clackmannan Tower
                                               Byres Castle                        Cobbie Row's Castle
                                                                                   Collairnie Castle

       Baldoon Castle                                                              Corsbie Castle
       Ballinbreich Castle                                                             Clonbeith Castle
       Balintore Castle                                                            Cornal Tower
       Balmangan Tower                         Cadzow Castle                       Cluny Crichton Castle
       Barnweill Castle                        Calvay Castle                       Cobairdy Castle
       Ballumbie Castle                        Carleton Castle                     Corse Castle
       Baltersan Castle                        Corsehill castle                    Coull Castle
       Balthayock Castle                       Caerlaverock Castle                 Coulter Motte
       Balvaird Castle                         Cairns Castle                       Cousland Castle
       Balvenie Castle                         Caisteal Bheagram                   Coxton Tower
       Banff Castle                            Caisteal Maol                       Craigend Castle
       Barr Castle                             Cathcart Castle                     Craigie Castle
       Balgonie Castle                         Caldwell Tower (Castle?)            Craighall Castle
       Balquhain Castle                        Calderwood Castle                   Craigmillar Castle

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