P. 11

Some browsers even display your bookmarked pages in the autocomplete drop
               down menu as you type in the address bar. This allows you to visit bookmarked

               pages without even opening the bookmarks window or sidebar in your browser.

               NOTE: A bookmark only stores the location of a webpage, not store the contents
               of the webpage itself. Therefore, when you open a previously saved bookmark,
               the contents of page may have changed since the last time you viewed it.
               One  of  the  convenient  codes  in HTML, or Hypertext  Markup  Language,  is  the
               Bookmark tag, also known as the Anchor tag. This code can be used to create links

               which, when clicked, will take the viewer to a bookmarked section of the same
               page. This can be quite useful in creating clean, organized Web pages and is not

               difficult  to  implement  in  existing  pages.  Making  bookmarks  in  your HTML will
               make your Web pages far more navigable and easy to access.
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