Page 7 - Yearbook 2020-21
P. 7

Dear Canadian Bilingual School Learning Community,

           Thank you for another wonderful and productive

            school year. I can’t thank everyone enough
            for your endless efforts in volunteering, participating,

            attending meetings, organizing work

           space, caring and doing whatever was necessary to
           support students during their online learning experience

            for the whole year.

           This pandemic showed us how strong, flexible, resilient and powerful
           we are. We as families became closer to each other more than ever,

           we improved in technology use in one year what was to take at least 5

           years. We grew stronger as a community and we discovered areas of
           strengths in ourselves that we never thought of!

           I’d like to give a special thanks to our HS office members who, as
           usual, went above and beyond the call of duty to provide whatever

           was necessary to add to our students’ rich school experience.

           That experience could not occur without the endless energy, skills and
           devotion of the CBS staff. Thanks, and well done to an incredible

           group of professionals.
           A final word to CBS students: Thank you for all your hard work

           throughout the school year. I am so honored to be your principal; you

           make me proud to be a CBS family member. You keep me laughing
           and young at heart.  I am grateful for your joy, astute insights and

           amazing talents.  Best wishes to our graduating class of 2021, whom I

           will miss greatly—please come back and visit. Everyone, have a safe
           and happy summer break.

           Until next school year, here’s wishing you love, laughter and learning.

           Ms. Gihan Hassan
           High School principal

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