Page 10 - The Outsiders- Feely 10A
P. 10

I   I               hasn’t                                an   has   man    trust
                  the same answer. He would say ‘fighting makes me
                     fighting,   am.’    Bob                                   once   society   chaotic,   has

                     When   really   I   because                               was   He   who    He   me.

                     man.   strong                                             lot.   man   mindless,   or

                     a   how  strongly disagree with that, and I know that what  Bob was trying to say was that fighting made him  feel like he has control over things, it makes him feel  strong when, deep down, he’s anything but strong.  Fighting gives him a sense of accomplishment which  accomplished  anything  major  in  his  life  yet.  He  is  very much capable, but his life is toxic. His parents  don’t discipline him, and they give him everything  that he wants. They never disa
                     me                  understand                            through   young   being   mother

                     makes   and                                                                 my

                     it   worth          somehow                               been   optimistic   into   even
                     tough,   my                                               has   transformed   Not

                     look   prove        can   I                               father   innocent,   again.

                  lives.   have   But   hate                                      jumped   angry   They   with   don’t   keep

                  their   didn’t   good.   I   that,                              they   an   boys.   said   I   face.   you

                  living   She   was   hate                                             with   said   they’re   Marcia   her   do   “Why

                  from    what.   is   which   I   here.                          when   it   I   but   fights,”   over

                  back  That’s ridiculous, and unfair to Marcia. She’s a sweet  girl with short black hair, and hazelnut eyes, who is   matter   me,  Marcia didn’t deserve any of this, but hey, that’s just  knowing that that’s just how things are around here.   While we were driving, we came upon a group of  Socs beating a Greaser. But the group of Socs looked  familiar and when I realized who they were, I got  angry. I tapped Marcia on the shoulder rapidly. “Is  that who I think it

                  parents   no   like   around                                    I   that   times   told   enough   written   really   I

                  their   others,   issues   are   things                         and   million   I   “And   have   disappointment   it,

                  holding   to   kind   temper   how                              fights   a   this   tone.   never   understand
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