Page 17 - The Outsiders- Feely 10A
P. 17
Winston. I like Greasers Dallas was getting he feet, rodeos,”
I saw the three Greasers who snuck into the theatre
and down to earth. But I’m not; when I’m upset, I
Dallas overthinking the of It was I and his around
being one loud. out dirty, move you
which They sat down behind us, but I didn’t give them a continued suddenly, dirty Winston; I could tell that he was about to start in on talk impatient. Why can’t he just leave me alone?! Can’t a girl watch a movie without a burst of drama every five minutes? I kept ignoring Dallas Winston, then he put his feet up on the back of my chair. I felt my “Take your feet off my chair and shut your trap,” I didn’t looked at me merely and said “
of awful to heart pounding faster and I was furious. Dallas I’ve
one ago, and that Then talking continued But loud enough for all of us to hear. two, you that he wasn’t a good bull rider.
stay upset. while a second do. usually started He us. demanded. me?” know “I Dallas said.
that’s hear just their this to whatever because the to the
“Now I all people spend around money attention enjoying
said, That’s anywhere to charities that steal to friends, was
and folks. have needs in Including pay Marcia
tickets more like it. Enjoy the movie, you rich folks.” rich go I increase the prices because I’m a Soc. That’s not fair, just because I’m a Soc doesn’t mean that I can spend Socs money wisely as well, you know, because we know it’s valuable. But, wherever I go, people just keep asking for more and more money, thinking that I don’t need the money as I’m rich. Well, guess what, help to father provide our family with security. Because you
two Stupid, Whenever willy‐nilly. money My trying family. didn’t I tell
Marcia folks. money that always own your and could I
handed Rich nowadays! my need I neighborhood. houses trust tense was movie.