Page 55 - The Outsiders- Feely 10A
P. 55
I didn’t know what to say, I didn’t know what to do.
said do the
I got inside, I locked the door and leaned against it
house and rushed inside. I saw that the guard dogs
and guards were doubled outside my house. When
father and stepmother were there. I assumed that
they heard the news, about the Choker. They looked
breathing heavily. I turned around and saw that my
“Now the cruelest criminal in town is after you.” My
“I told you that you’d put us all in danger.” My father
through their windows, and in the streets. They all
gave me creepy looks and they all looked like were
out to get me. I flashed across the streets to me
a second thought, I quickly started driving towards
my house. On the way I saw people staring at me
and would ginormous at solution
stepmother People you. my if any
my after anything to get a million dollars, the Socs and the I couldn’t handle any of this anymore, the Socs, my parents and now The Choker. It was all too much, front in of think moment, my mind was too busy scaring me of all 52
corrected is town small very couldn’t
mad and furious. said. stepmother said. father My in “everyone Greasers included.” felt I and I problems. that was going on instead.
pounding faster, and my skin went white when I saw
in public. No one knows anything about The Choker,
Cherry Valance a million dollars.) My heart started
West, wrap The of Choker, the on for tell silent The
Choker was a vicious person, who no one ever saw
who had signed it. It was signed by The Choker. The
except that he or she always gets what they want.
the would The to and me,
of home of dragged tale chains after
side who deserted, a was
far he terrified chains been dangling Choker
the downtown and if you were wondering how he got because people’s neck with Coker chains and suffocate them to death. Which is why no one dared to go to the was is including me. Which is why everyone got a bit jumpy ground. The Choker has never been sighted but his has generations. A very famous warning that has been passed down from generation to generation says: nights, for the chains won’t remain white. Never go to the downto
in It here choker he of The
lives was it West. Choker and only The Choker. around heard and sound spine.
Choker name, downtown we have, the my
The that Everyone when actions Beware down