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     ▶     optomap imaging takes less than half a second...

        teChNOLOgiCaL iNNOvatiON              pRaCtiCe effiCieNCY                  CLiNiCaL OutCOmeS
        to help                               to improve                           to uncover

        prevent                               practice                             critical

        vision loss                           flow                                 information

        optomap nonmydriatic                 optomap imaging is so fast           optomap ultrawidefield imaging
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        high resolution images                for high value activities.           more than 400 peer reviewed
        in less than half a second.           Routine use of optomap can           studies show the value of
        this technology can image             improve and increase patient         optomap imaging in diagnosis,
        pathology past the vortex             throughput and potentially           treatment planning, and
        vessels, helping you find              create an additional revenue         patient engagement
        disease sooner and manage             stream
        it more effectively

        the ONLY 200° single-capture af image   the ONLY 200° single-capture color image   the ONLY 200° single-capture choroidal layer image

                     Contact us for your risk-free evaluation at 800-854-3039 or

                                                                                       Building The Retina Company
         © Optos. All rights reserved. Optos ® , optos ® and optomap ®  are registered trademarks of Optos plc.  GA-00315  /1
         Image Courtesy Paulo Stanga, MD
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