Page 141 - Carrollton 2002
P. 141
Key Club
Focusing on the personal develop
ment and social interaction of
children, Key Club members can
help children learn through
mentoring, making friends, and
working together. As children are
taught to work with others, Key
Gub members open the doors to
their future.
Roster: Adriane Vega, Adrianna Diaz, Alex Esteve, Alex Plasencia, Alex Suarez, Alexandra Gadalamarta, Alejandra Weber, Alicia Lamadrid,
Amanda lglesias, Andrea Faraci, Anna Powers, Ashley Paliclo, Blanca Swilley, Caltlin Riston, Carolina Astigarraga, Caterlna Rlcordl, Gaudla
Garcia, Claudia Medina, Corinne Guerra, Cristina Mas, Daniella Morello, Danielle Villoch, Desiree Diaz, Dolores Luna, Elizabeth Perez, Emily
McKenzie, Estefania Ortega, Fernanda Eztevez, Francesca Corallo, Gabl Morello, Gabriela McBride, Gabriella Tello, Genesis Rodriguez,
Gianny Blanco, Gianna Gutierrez, llean Nachon, inelis Garcia, Isabela Gonzalez, Isabella Castillo, Jennifer Branchini, Jennifer Lee, Jessica
Tonder, Joey Butler, Karina Lopez, Kathleen Klock, Kathryn Salinero, Katie Garia, Laura Alvarez, Laura Farad, Laura Maderal, Laura Varela,
Lauren Marquez, Lauren Sanchez, Lindsay Talley, Lpordes Arriola, Lyly Villanueva, Marie Velazquez, Marina Nazir, Megan Foster, Melissa
Meruelo, Michelle Albert, Michelle Branchini, Nalisa Saati, Natalie Marcos, Natasha OrtakjL Nathaly Garcia, Natalia Echeverrl, Nicole
Alvarez, Nicole Gorordo, Nicole Lanusse, Nicole Perez, Patrida Ferran, Patty Suarez, Rochelle Martll, Samantha Paz, Sara Alvarez, Sharyne
Hider, Silvia Larrieu, Stephanie Bango, Stephanie Ubeda, Susana Rojas, Teresa Chamorro, Veronica Jimenez, Veronica Lacasa, Yoianda
Congress serves as the connection
between the Administration and
the High School student body.
They sponsor Spirit Week and
many other community building
Rosters: Elizabeth Muell (President), Amanda Codina (Vice-President), Katrina
Hazlett (Secretary), Rasha Uthman (Club Coordinator), Lina Monocandilos j
(Senior President), Gianna Gutierrez (junior President), Melissa Gallo (Sophmol
President), Olga Megrabian (Freshman President), Lyana Azan and Dayana jj
Toledo (Faculty), Betty Hernandez (Administrative)
Running for four years, the Carrollton j
Debate Team was more dedicated thani
ever this year. Representing Carrollton
at both local and national competititioni
the dedication of the team has estab- £
lished Carrollton as both a premiere I
debate program and a true national I
Rosters: Amanda lglesias, Carolina
Astigarraga, Carolina Varela, Lauren J H
W einstein, Lyliana Villanueva, Nalissa Saatt
Susan Catania, Rachel Weldon