Page 117 - Carrollton 1991
P. 117
Top to bottom, left to right: Sonia Otalvaro (Freshman Class President), Sylvia Mestre (Sophomore
Class President). Suzette Casal (Committee Coordinator). Sofia Lacayo (President), Margot Fernan
dez (Senior Class President). Mrs. Gonzalez (Faculty Representative), Martha Riestra (Junior Class
President). Ms. Dorothy Boyd (Administrative Representative). Monica Rodriguez (Secretary/Trea
surer). Liz Hernandez (Committee Coordinator), Mrs. Lindeman (Faculty Representative)
The Carrollton Congress
seeks to provide the struc
ture, the organization, the
guidance and the personal at
tention that are vital in en
abling individuals to express
themselves, to learn about
people, and to grow in wis
dom while serving the larger