Page 23 - Carrollton 1994
P. 23
Building the Steps Towards^
the Future
The Carrollton Montessori and ed by the many gifts that He h
Kindergarten program introduces given them. These teachings ta
young students into the world of place in the students' da
learning. It is designed in such a prayers and religious classes.
way that girls, ages three to five, The Montessori and Kind
get the chance to work together garten students also start dev
in a unique learning atmosphere. oping a sense of commun
The program allows the students through their interaction w
to.dearn to express their individu their classmates. They are taui
ality by learning at their own pace to share and respect each of
in an environment free of compe as well as to give to those who I
tition. less fortunate.
The Montessori philosophy is The knowledge that they
that each child has a natural ten by taking part in this progr
dency towards learning so the encourages them to learn
teachers match their students sets a foundation to the bej
natural interests with concrete ning for an inspiring educatio
m aterials. The students are Maggie Cc
taught the basics in various
d departments such as Language,
n Mathematics, Geography, Sci
a ence, and different practical
aspects of life in general. The
program promotes well rounded
ness even at such an early stage
in their lives.
M ontessori d o es not only
develop a strong intellectual
foundation but also spiritual
growth. The students are taught
that each child is a beautiful man
ifestation of God's love surround