Page 6 - Carrollton 1994
P. 6
"W indows of the W orld"
Windows fill the world.
They exist in our houses,
our buildings, and our
cars. They come in a myri
ad of shapes, sizes, colors,
and styles. There are also
windows within us. Many
of us have heard before
that "the eyes are the win
dows to the soul," but for
C arrollton students the
eyes are more than just a
w a y fo r p eo p le to see
inside us. Our eyes are
also w in d ow s for us to
look out into a challenging
w o rld w a itin g to be
e x p lo re d . Through our
windows w e see the world
in the ligh t o f the fiv e
Sacred Heart goals.
Look through any win
d ow and w hat you see,
your experience, is molded
Dy the size, perspective,
and the tint of the window.
In our education, Carroll
ton provides us with a spe
cial lcind of window to the
w orld . It is through the
Sacred Heart goals - faith,
intellectual values, com
m unity service, social
awareness, and personal
growth - that our view, our
e x p erien ce, is shaped.
Every aspect of life colors,
n arrow s, broadens the
window through which w e
see the w orld; neverthe
less, this w indow is con
stantly tinted by the colors
of the Carrollton experi
ence. This ex p erien ce
encompasses a world as a
place to excel both spiritu
ally and academically, a
place to help others in the
community, and a place to
leave the trails of an indi
As Carrollton students,
w e are given a unique per
spective, a different point
of view . Ultimately, it is
this special perspective
which makes Carrollton
our window to the world.
Diana de la Torriente