Page 114 - Carrollton 1996
P. 114

"Acknowledge  ...  Move   "The course of human         "I know there are no   "If you don't like what you see,
  on". -Guy on MTV           progress staggers like a    secret tricks, no cor­  then you don't have to look at
                             drunk; its steps are quick   rect politics, just liars   me. If you don't like what I say,
                             and heavy, and its mind is   and lunatics."         then you can turn the other
     "Idiots rule."          slow and blunt."                    -Soul Asylum    way." -Melissa Ethridge
     -Jane's Addiction                   -Operation Ivy

                                           Angie Romano
                            bOb...eDgar...PepE...CaRO...reMenBEr  wHeN  wE  weNT   "It seemed silly to wash one day
  "Prayer of the Mod­        to ThAt pLaCe aNd did tHat ThiNg wltH ThOsE PeOple   when I would only have to
  em American: Dear          aNd  tHen  tHaT  PerSon  SAid  SoM eThInG...blah    wash the next."
  God, I pray for           blah...blah  blah!...and  mr  blah  blah  during                        -Sylvia Plath
  patience. And I want
                             nineTeEnelgHTy...tHreE...iT's  ...bEen  rEal  ...  a  Nd...
  it right now!"            iT's...bEen...fuN...bUt...iT...HaSN't...BeEn...rEal...fUn...I
          -Cren Arnold      blah most of you ...bie bie bie!@
                                                                                       "For solitude is
                                                                                      sometimes best soci­
                                                                                      ety." -Milton

  "Love, friendship, and respect                                          "They came after the Jews, and I was
  will never unite people as much                                        not a Jew, so I did not object. Then they
  as a common hatred for some­
                                                                         came after the Catholics, so I did not
  thing." -Anton Chekhov                                                 object. Then they came after the trade
                                                                         unionists, and I was not a trade union­
  "Maturity ... is a bitter disap­
                                                                         ist, so I did not object. Then they came
  pointment for which no remedy
  exists." -Kurt Vonnegut                                                after me, and there was no one left to
  "All the guys that really have                                                               -Pastor Niemouler
  the money are too old to have a
                                                                          "If you feel it then open your heart, no
  good time with it."
                                                                          need to ask it what for. Blood runs cold
           -Anonymous                                                     when it's shut from the sun, so open
                                                                          your door and what's more ... try."
  "Cause this demon on my                                                 -Billy Pilgirm
  shoulder keeps reminding me
  I'm getting older and I should                                          "One on one they won't look you in the
  lose the qualities that set me                                          eye, but when the pack's together,
  apart, and he said, "Walk like I   "All the world is a cannibal, even   there's a battle cry." -Operation Ivy
  walk, think like I think, your     time itself will eat us all, but that's
                                                                          "It's the end of the world as we know it,
  tension will pass, let me buy     no reason to be a jerk, you either
  you a drink."                      make it better, or make it worse."   and I feel fine. (It's time I had some time
            -Gov't. Administrator    -Adrian Belew                        alone.)" -REM
                                                                          "Greed is all right. Greed is healthy. You
  "Did you exchange a walk on        "Great spirits have always encoun­   can be greedy and still feel good about
  part in the war, for a lead role in   tered violent opposition from
  a cage?" -Pink Floyd               mediocre minds." -Einstein           yourself." -Ivan Boesky
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