Page 81 - Carrollton 1996
P. 81
Vanessa Acosta
May 25,1978
This is not the end, it is not even the beginning of the end, but
perhaps it is the end of the beginning.
Winston Churchill
Poor is the man whose pleasure
depends on the perm ission of
I wondered how people can be such a necessary part of
one's life one day and simply vanish the next. Isn't it sup
posed to last?
Vanessa ... no way to shorten it... Maitee you've listened to more than I'm sure
you cared to hear ... Rina with you I found peace and the ability to accomplish
things I never thought possible ... Alexis twelve years behind us filled with ups
and downs but undoubtedly unforgettable ... Louise we've been friends for as
long as I can remember although sometimes we are preoccupied with other
things we always return to a friendship that we can count on ... Chely nunca
dejes de ayudarme a ver las cosas como son... Tia Elena madrina your constant
little attentions and your love have made me appreciate what an aunt truly is ...
Nina although the paths of our lives seem determined to keep us apart our
friendship always seems to unite our lives and make us able to appreciate that it
is not the length of time we spend together but how great those moments are ...
Katherine lo que pudiera decir de nuestra amistad es poco ya que nuestra amis-
tad no conoce limites y son demasiades las dimensiones para poder a escribirlas
pero lo que si puedo decir es que de ti aprendi lo que es la amistad te quiere siem-
pre mayonesa ... Alex never forget that you will always be my baby... Baby y Po
su carino y apollo que han sido sin fin me han dado la fuerza para ser la persona
que soy los adora siempre su nina ... Dad always there to push me when you
think that I am not doing all I can and to give me loving care when I need it most
thanx... Mami what can I say other than you are everything to me my best friend,
my mother, and the only one who never stops believing in me ...
MH,BC,CG,AR,AC we've shared incredible times, I love you all I'll never forget
you you're the best... AR,CG,LV the only other survivors we're finally done... it
was the best of times it was the worst of times thanx Carrollton without it all I
would never have gotten so far...