Page 96 - Carrollton 1996
P. 96
Iris Elizabeth Guzman
November 3,1978
Miami, Florida
I expect to pass through life but once. If,
therefore, there be any kindness I can
show, or any good thing I can do for
any fellow being, let me do it now... as I
shall not pass this way again.
-William Penn
The future belongs to those who
b eliev e in the b eau ty of th eir
-Eleanor Roosevelt
spunky., .happyface.. .shorty.. .ochiLittlelris. ..sno
bw/ ocause.. .yeswearetwins... wheatedpolos... th
freechats.-.i'mamerican...where's myoreo-
cake...MCMlooksbest...ihatetacos...i'm sick-
ofrowing...aCalvinKlein...luluhlunchat blimp-
etsgotouniversal.. .carmenchu.. .morisson's-
c.a ... coachK...sinpena...lanena...sly:iforgotmy-
books.. .sisterD.. .pozelyl ,2,3.. .F.Igang.. .nomarce
la;it'snotoffial.. .oldiesw / ali...9/ll/94.. .slick.. .re
nee:mylittlesis.. .classlessin theparkinglot.. .not-
key94tarzan...ctv...m.h...c.o: thanks...saint-
louis:hiv's, ...omaha... rainatvizcaya... thebig-
15,16,17,18!...linda...iloveyou:l.v,a.e,c.c, c.a,m.z,
c.t,c.k,a.c,h(e) happy