Page 64 - Carrollton 1984
P. 64

Growth in independence and
                                                           compassion is the goal of the

                                                           phase  during  High  School.
                                                           The  student  strives  to  be­

                                                           come  more  aware  of herself
                                                           and others. She begins to ap­

                                                           preciate the value of her ex­
                                                           periences  at  Carrollton.  The

                                                           High  School  student  is  en­
                                                           abled by her education to be­

                                                           come  more  sensitive  to  oth­
                                                           ers’  needs  and  more  appre­

                                                           ciative  of  their  gifts.  This
                                                           phase  causes  the  student  to

                                                           feel  confident  about  the  fu­

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