Page 128 - Carrollton 1987
P. 128
Carrollton Congress
Left to right, bock row: Madame HimmerCFaculty Rep.), Nancy VirgaCSecretary - Treasurer), Sonia MarrinezCCommiftee Coordinator),
April ZeiglerCSophomore Class President), Diana DrooksCPresidenr of Congress), Dr. MurrayCFaculfy Rep.), middle row: Lynerre CardochCJunior
Class President), Alicira RodriguezCFreshman Class President), Guilaine LamarCSenior Class President). Front: Ms. Ray(Director of 5tudenrs)Nor
Pictured: Elaine DonnelKCommitree Coordinator)
The Carrollton Congress will seek to provide the structure, the organiza
tion, the guidance and the personal attention that is vital in enabling individ
uals to express themselves to learn about people, and growing wisdom
while serving the larger community. Through its support of group activities
the Congress will aid each student and faculty member in finding a unique
role for serving the school and on active means for participation in the com
munity. The Congress wonts to enhance the quality of life here by enpow-
ering each person to engage actively and personally in creating on atmo
sphere that fosters self-development and community concern in accor
dance with the Goals and Criteria of Sacred Heart Schools.
The Carrollton Congress is the government structure for all non-aca
demic groups that meet in the High School. It brings coordination and cohe
sion to their extra-curricular activities. The Congress meets at least once a
week to review, edit, accept or reject proposals from the groups - (commit
tees, classes, etc.). It recommends policies and procedures to the Director
of the High School.