Page 186 - Carrollton 2012
P. 186
Yggdrasill 20Q7
This year the debate team traveled to nine states to
compete in fifteen national circuit tournaments. The ■
debaters made Carrollton history while defending and
Boston, MA
opposing the annual resolution — whether the federalf
{Harvard yMs©fsity Debate Toujinarnent
ry ■ government should substantially increase development
or exploration o f space beyond the earth's mesosphere.
Ann Arbor, Michigan
This academic year the National Forensic League
November 5 , 2 'd fflfl estimated that there were more than 1,500 teams
competing to earn the tw o bids necessary to attend
the Tournament o f Champions, which hosts the
g x in ^ S l l^g..
University o f Kentucky country's top 7 2 teams. The Carrollton squad earned
^ u t n '^ eet?p^MSnp]ons EXj®iingtpn53C;; 13 bids almost doubling its record set the year before.
pKprii m w m Q Georgetown University Debate
Six Carrollton debaters earned T O C bids: Fabiola
Lexington, KY 9 1
Urdaneta, Kelly Keough, Valeria Villa, Francis Swanson,
University o f Kentucky
EOhj^Valley Tournament1 Meredith Angueira and Mary Grace Darmody. Under the
December 5, 2011 leadership o f Fabiola Urdaneta and Francis Swanson,
President and Vice President respectively, the Carrollton
debate team was represented in late elimination rounds
Nashville, XN
at multiple major national tournaments including:
Octofinals appearances at the Greenhill Tournament in
Dallas, the St. Marks Tournament in Dallas, the Southern
Bell Forum at Montgomery Bell Academy in Nashville,
and the N D C A Championship Tournament
Quarterfinals appearances at the John Edie Holiday
Debate Tournament at Blake in Minneapolis, the Harvard
University Tournament in Cambridge, Semifinals
appearances at the University o f Michigan in Ann
Arbor and the Georgetown University Tournament
■ n Washington, DC, victorious Finals appearances at
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Pifie Cfgst School the Crestian Classic in Boca Raton and the Colleyville
Grestian Classic* • Heritage Tournament in Texas.
January 24,2012