Page 219 - Carrollton 2012
P. 219
F aculty, S ta ff amid A d m in is tra tio n
Yggdrasill has been dedicated to members of the community including faculty, staff and administration, and among them the; many
Religious of the Sacred Heart who have served at Carrollton:, The dedication o f the 25th anniversary edition (i987) so aptly stated,
This year we celebrate Carrollton s 25th anniversary. We want to take the opportunity to recognize the Sisters of the Sacred Heart
who have touched our lives. Through their constant patience and understanding, they have opened new dimensions.and broadened our
horizons. Thus, Yggdrasill I9 8 ||s dedicated to Sister Taylor, Sister McGowan, Sister Copeland and Sister Giraldo."
On this, the divider for the Faculty, Staff and Adminstration section of the yearbook, we celebrate the dedications made to the: Religious,
of the Sacred Heart throughout Carrollton's 5 0 years.
What is the good o f teaching various subjects, o f wasting time in learning them,
ifa t the same time we cannot teach children the words o f ife
and touch their hearts and their consciences ?
-Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat
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Tlit? o dtdttoi'ed to a w Saod jC tttffu ttd
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m* Uwnq and favuuu) a n d fondaf?Gquuu.
HUtKtfm itdte&M
f 1972: Marsha Whelan, RSCJ
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IvTS^Iail^Ralnaney, KbuJ