Page 284 - Carrollton 2012
P. 284
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I don't even know what to do with myself. Because every time a laminated tag gets scotch taped
to a locker,; I want to cry and dance all at the same time.'Because I have to look for a graduation
- dress, when just yesterday I was'Sitting in S t Hugh watching my sister become an alum, then
return to her pew. “Women of courage and confidence," I heard Sister Cooke say. How could
fhave felt that for me, that day was so for away? Where have the past four years gone? And
when I say four, add ten,more to that because just last week I was singing "Zippidee Do Da* and
making arts and crafts* I was sitting behind the red line leamingto read with books that-would
rhyme. But evert though April really is the cruelest month, I want it to stay. I want to focus on
today. Because although April means college decisions and deadlines for financial aid,-tomorrow
* brings May, and June's after that, and July after that, And alter that, I don't even want to think
about it-.v :
Well I do and I don't because I'm the happiest girl alive; I cannot believe I'm gonna get to live
the life of my dreamsTn the fell which will end up seeming like only a week or two from now -
and even though I'll be leaving home, sooner or later we'll all have to go. I know my definition
of home won't just mean a house and. my parents, but this. Because when I'm trading in palm
trees for skyscrapers and settling in some strange for away land (where everybody won't love
everybody), I know if I'm asked where my home is, I can whip out a map and pointto Virginia,
California, North Carolina, Boston, Texas and Miami, stretching out my widespread fingers as. for
as I .can, showing off the bit of white gold that lives on my hand.
And as I try to make friends with people who have strange foreign names like Sarah and Ben,'
you'll be the ‘'everyone* I'm talking about when I tell them, "L'm Adriana but everyone calls me
Ayi." And I'll miss you the most during this back and forth, "Adri, no Ayi. Angie? No Ayi... ..yeah
I'll probably just call you Adriana." And I'll wish you'd be there when I let someone know that, "I'm
super hungry.. .or super tired/ but at the same time I'll be glad you're not Because deep down
I know that the farther we go the more this thing we call "ELE" (everyone loves everyone) will
grow. And for the amount of "cheesy" that was in that last sentence, I apologize. But I predict
that soon, in the "real world," cheesy will be a lot harder to come by. And next year, when we'll
be sure to witness cynicism and hate, a part of us will want to just give up and transfer to 'ELE
State." But anytime you feel sad, lonely, or just want to disappear to Narriia, look down at your
I hand and remember that OUR caritas vincit omnia.
Adriana Santos' 12
■Poetry Slam 2012