Page 369 - Carrollton 2012
P. 369
Sophia Adrian
marry a Heat player
(lyssa Block Isabella Borgonovo Jessica Bryant V
Helena Buitrago
—teach her kids —Start her own name ...cause an earthquake ...relieve her class when Katrina Cabrera Gabriella Campana Cristina Campo
'sarcasm' as their first chant at a Taylor Swift with her sneeze she says she hasn't done ..wear every pair o f her ...send her kids to school ...have a conniption:
language concert shoes like 'chandeta- with gourmet left-over
the assignment yet style' slippers lunches
Adriana de Armas Gabriela de Gqytisolo Gabriella De Souza
—make millions from her —marry a 'true southern ...cough up a storm Camilla Di Persia Nicole Echevarria Kristina Fernandez Camifa Ferre
handwriting becoming a gent' in Antarctica to ...serve Lunehables at ...pull the ultimate prank ..know everything about1
new font become a whale her wedding reception at age 80 her husband before she ■
meets him
Rebeoa Jimenez Victoria Jimenez Kelly Keough
—name her twin sons ...always look fourteen a diplomat for Ana Kurzan Lilian Loys Danielle Lukacs Gabriella Masporis I
...start an ELE
'Phineas' and 'Ferb' years old beluga whales movement that will ...never get caught to Denmark and ...spearhead a feminist
achieve world peace feel right at home movement opposed to
Sophia Oramas Allison Palados Lauren Palmero
...wear her sunglasses ...prove Prince Charming a fashionable Anouka Maria Perkins Rebecca Pol Lauren Rangel Stefeni Rey
indoors ...Count down the .bring up Spain in every ...survive to the end o f a called anything
neurologist days until "itz literally conversation horror movie
Christmas" besides 'Stefeni'
Christy Sanchez Adriana Santos Eunice Shriver
...marry a Dominican ...become an SNL cast ...never move out Gabriella Solares Mary Spiegel Gabriella Sugraries Siri Tunis -
baseball player member and marry Andy ...say the greatest side ...write a book titled for the CIA her mother-in-law
35 8 Sam berg comments "Why I Am So Great and 'bro*
Everyone Who Disagrees
is a Fool*