Page 254 - Carrollton 2003
P. 254

Th e   Day  you  where  born  we  knew

                                             you  were  a  f  ighter,  nothing  was

                                            g o i n g   to  stand  in  th e   way  o f  what
                                             you  wanted.               T h is  is  th e   way  we

                                                         have  seen  you  grow.

                                              T h e   years  have  gone  by  so  f a s t
                                            sometimes  th e   lessons  have  been

                                            easy  sometimes                    hard  but  I   know
                                              th a t  th e   relationship  and  bond

                                          th a t  we  have  will  always  help  guide

                                           you  to  make  th e   rig h t  decisions  in

                                                                        l i f e .

                                                                                      love, Mom &Dad

          Congratulations  on  your

                                                                              Felicidades a la nieta mas linda
          Graduation!  Thank  you  for
          always  being  there  and                                           que tenemos. Te queremos Mucho

          never  letting  me  down.

         Good  Luck  in  College  and

          make  sure you  have  fun.                                                 Felicidades en tu

                lo v e ,  O r l y
                                                                                    raduacion estamos

                                                                                  muy orgullosos de ti.

         There isn't anything more beautiful than                                     Abuelo y Abuela

              a dream in bloom. Congratulations,if?

           4s  We are very proud of you.

                          love, Tio and Tia

            No one is guaranteed happiness, Life gives

          us time and space. It's up to us to fill it with

         joy and meaning. Enjoy today and always make

         plans for tomorrow. Your life is just beginning,

               you have full control of your future,

                    love, Padrino and Tia Mayra
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