Page 260 - Carrollton 2003
P. 260
Dani * Mani * Puchupulup * Nunuchca * Bulucha
I am very proud of you and all of your accomplishments, but most of all your
beautiful character. As you start this new stage in your life, remember you will
always have your family to come back to and although we don't want to see
you go. we have to learn to let go and let you follow your dreams.
May the Lord protect you and guide you always.
With all my Love,
It is said, that the moment a father holds his infant daughter for the first time, a
special bond Is formed that will shape and mold them both from that point forward.
As the years have passed and you have grown. I have become so proud of the
young woman you have come to be. You are strong and independent, yet caring
and respectful of others. I know in my heart that the special bond bom the day you
came into this world will be with us always, and my love and respect for you will
continue to grow with each passing day. You are truly a special person in my life.
I Love You,
w i
Dan I.
For 15 years now you have been my greatest
inpiration Thank, you for always being there for me
a sister, mother and most importantly a friend Iff
proud to say your my sister and even more proudoi
your success I hope you have a wonderful
experience in Boston I will miss you terribly and if yi
ever need anything you know where to find me. Gi
Bless You .
With all my love and friendship always and forever*,
fur crasy sister.
You haxe been an awesome role model 3
and big sister to me. I have always looked up*
to vou and appreciate evervthiug you have done fb
me 11 ox e vou ten* and I will miss you deeply Hop
you have lots of fuu in Boston and cane back soot
Love you!
Your little sister,