Page 37 - Carrollton 2003
P. 37

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                                                     JVLlami,  GfH&hidla

                                                The Road goes ever on and on
                                                Down from the door where it began.
                                                Now far ahead the Road has gone,
                                                And I must follow, if I can,
                                                Pursuing it with eager feet,
                                                Until it joins some larger way
                                                Where many paths and errands meet.
                                                And whither then? I cannot say.-Frodo

                                                Cristina: No matter where I
                                                actually am, you and I will always
                                                be “here”. Don’t 4get pikachus,
                                                HPC,toothpaste, bellybuttons,
                                                “dislike” game, watching Alias,
                                                or anything else. Luv u =) Dad: (a younger, taller, yet just as wise
                                                Yoda) thanks for teaching me to always do my best after all-try not.
                                                Do or Do not. There is no try. Mom: thanks for putting up with me,
                                                wasting so much gas on me, and all the other stuff you didn’t have to
                                                do, but you did anyway. Don’t 4get I’m your favorite daughter. Haha.
                                                Debaters: LW,CV,AI,RW,FC,NS,LV thanks 4 crazy plane rides, the
                                                borrowed pants, the expandos, the dinners at Chili’s and all the laughs-
                                                Remember, Jerry Atricks is not a man. Bless Ya! AKO: thanks 4 the
                                                best summer ever, Starbucks Cappuccinos, titanium, and 4 being great
                                                friends.  Take care of Billy-Bob for me, but I get custody of Orion.
                                                Beware of the Rabbit. Tweedle-Dee: thanks for being my partner in
                                                crime, a great best friend, and for just being there. Never stop
                                                drawing drooling smilie-faces, they’re your trademark. Tweedlelum.
                                                the other one): thanks for always making me laugh, being a great best
                                                friend, and for some of the best book suggestions ever. Beware of
                                                radioactive apples, and don’t stand on any more sinks! Teachers:
                                                Reed: In four years I learned everything from Algorithms to “Why?”,
                                                thanks for preparing me for anything I want to do in life. Crockwell: I
                                                owe you my interest in Robotics, my chosen career path...and one IFI
                                                controller  (I didn’t take it!). Mrs. Hewett: Thanks for your support
                                                since 7th grade, you made Carrollton a great place for me!” To my
                                                friends: “Nena and #33”, “the line at Islands of Adventure”, “Run
                                                Awaay!”, “Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of
                                                elderberries!”, “Les Poissons, and southern mashed potatoes”, “Holy
                                                Lord of Ithical”, “Fifi’s farmers and religion class”, “blue devil”, “Not
                                                my gumdrop buttons!!”, “Walt Whitman-didn’t he invent Disney
                                                World?”, “Might for Right!”, “the Gringa dance”, “9/14/01”,
                                                “Mooshy-mooshy!” ...  ’’The key to immortality is to live a life worth
                                                remembering” - Bruce Lee.”  “There will come a time when you
                                                believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.” Anon. “The
                                                force will be with you.. .always” Obi-Wan.
                                                “Farewell, and may the blessing of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go
                                                 with you.  May the stars shine upon your faces!” -  Elrond’s blessing
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