Page 115 - Carrollton 1981
P. 115

ANA  VICTORIA  RIVAS-VAZQUEZ                                            “ Some  men  see  things as they are and say
      August  25,  1963                                                       ‘Why?’.  I  dream  things that  never were  and   k
      Miami,  Florida                                                         say  ‘Why  not?’."
                                                                                                   George  Bernard Shaw

                                                                                   “ Love  when  you  can,
                                                                                   Cry when you  have  to  ..
                                                                                   Be  who  you  must
                                                                                   That's a  part  of  the  p la r ^ ^ lf l
                                                                                   Await  your arrival
                                                                                   With  simple  survival
                                                                                   And  one  day we'll  all  understand  .  ."
                                                                                                       Dan  Fogelberg-

                                                                                        "We  push  forward  individually  to
                                                                                        prepare for the timeiwhen  the
                                                                                        future  becomes the  past,  a
                                                                                        dream  becomes  reality# a  life
                                                                                        imagined  becomes a  time

                                                                                        “ Don’t  be  dismayed  at  gopd-  j
                                                                                        byes.  A  farewelllis  necessary'
                                                                                        before  you  can  meet  again.''"
                                                                                                      Richard jPacFi
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                                                                                                   Editor  12.
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