Page 97 - Carrollton 1981
P. 97
July 20, 1963
Kingston, Jamaica
Transferred from Robinson School, Puerto Rico
Academic Committee 12,
Sunshine Committee 9, 10.
“ And in the summertime, love, of our summertime
not of people or boys-heaven forbidl-
for our kisses were candy and bubble-gum
but of freedom and of ice-cream and lemonade
down dusty dry throats
while our bodies, wet from running through Dunns
River Falls, btsi
which was really a sprinkler, dried in the sun.
And our summertime loves of skinning our knees and
salt tears, but we always recovered to scoot for ice
And we were young enough to think we were old
enough to fm fk
know it all.
Now in the summertime, love, and our summertime
loves are €
still lemondade on dusty dry days and ice cream that
knees that aren’t skinned.
But the sprinkler’s only a sprinkler now, and we look
at wasas
boys-heaven forbid!
and we’re old enough to know we’ll never be old
enough to know Emu i
it all.”
Donna Bickle
m n
“ I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the One less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference."
Robert Frost
“ Take a chance on the secret that you hide far m b :
beneath your dreams ,
Use your wildest imagination - .
You just tell me what it is and I will make it be.”
Stevie Wonder
Puerto Rico . . . Jamaica ... College Applications
. . . Artistic . . . “ You know” . . . Ja ... B.C. ... the
bone ... “ Get your mind out of the gutter” ....
Burger King lunches ... Paris ... one step ahead
... Law Fortifying ... “ I can’t believe it” ... Prim
& .Proper ... Mack Truck Time . . . “ It’s easy!” ...
Puerto Rico, not Jamaica . . . U. of M ... sweet girl T lg a A o L ,
. . . Right.