Page 3 - Carrollton 2009
P. 3

Carrollton School
                                                  of the Sacred Heart
                                                 bMu.  Archives

                       To Mother Hardey
                       In Manhattanville                              Paris,  May 28th  1860
                       Let me share with you my difficult situation about a letter given to me
                       not too long  ago  by Mother Leveque in which she  described some
                       very advantageous proposals offered by fhe authorities and friends
                       from Pensacola to establish a Sacred  Heart school there. Since there
                       are already more facilities than our limited  number of students can
                       fill,  how should  I respond?  In  Europe we have more fhan enough staff
                       for the existing student population; and still we are declining any new
                       requests. However,  my daughter,  do we have the right to say no to
                       such an advantageous offer in such a healfhy country?  Please consult
                       Mother Jouve, whom you will see very soon,  about the decision we
                       need to make.

                       Perhaps one of you could  make the trip there, to experience for
                       yourself fhe people,  the places and fhe things.  Regarding  (St.)
                       Augustine we have to say no.  I think and  I believe that the  Bishop
                       forgot about us as I did not meet him in  Paris even though we had
                       gathered some people together.

                       My daughter, if we could ask the  people in  Pensacola to give us two
                       years instead  of one, it would  be acceptable and  perhaps it would
                       be a  better location than St. Augustine. Still we cannot compare the
                       relative advantages of either since they are both so different.

                       Please see if you can  negotiate this matter.

                       I am unable to do so because  I have not been well.  I must finish this
                       letter dear mother and daughter.  Please accept my best wishes in the
                       name of Jesus Christ and Mary.
                                                                      Your mother,


                       Translation of cover
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