Page 7 - Carrollton 1989
P. 7

Muiic,  U  one,  of  Ha  wait  bade  wmnl  of
                                   communication  foe people*,  ft beeah  oM boundaxiei
                                   and enpandi beyond any Imitdtioul,  bunging aieme,
                                   of unity  uikmuw  it U  peaent.
                                      Songi  oka  atpeeUioni  of laugUee,  team,  of
                                   geouiH,  of change,  and of beloved edatiouildpk.
                                      Ju it ai  a long,  CanuMbn  bondi  ui  tbgeHee,
                                   building  a  Communication  among  itudenti,  faculty
                                   and adminiifadton,  a ienie, of community io uniguA
                                   in, iclool.  Muiic  ai  a  u/caun  and  fluid  meuni  of
                                   Communication,  U Ha Heme, foe,  Yggditaiill 1 9 8 9 .

                             /  Hank you, foe, Ha  muiic,
                            Ha  iongk  In ,  iinglug.
                            Tlanhi  foe, aK Ha joy  Hey ec beinging.
                            Who Can  but  wCHout Ct?
                            /  aik, you loaeithf,  what would wt bt
                            without a, laugh  oe a long?

                            ■So /  Haid you foe, Ha  muiic,
                            foe beinging  Ittd me.
                                                 —   Abba,
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