Page 103 - Carrollton 1998
P. 103

Sheila Kaupert

              "Yes I know my enemies,  they're                                          "Shackle your minds when your
            the teachers who taught me to fight                                       bent on the cross,  when ignorano
            m e,  com prom ise,  conform ity,                                         reigns  life  is lost.  Shackle  the  mini
            assim ilation,  subm ission,  igno­                                       and  you're  left  on  the  cross,  whei
            rance,  hypocrisy,  brutality,  the                                       ignorance reigns life is lost."
            elite.  All  of  which  are  Am erican                                       -Rage Against the Machine-
                -Rage Against the Machine-         ”It  alw ays  strikes  me,  and  it  is
                                                 very  peculiar,  that  whenever  we
                                                 see the image of indescribable and
                                                 unutterable  desolation-  of  loneli­
                                                 ness,  poverty,  and misery,  the  end
                                                 and extreme of things- the thought
                                                 of God comes into one's mind."
                                                            -Van Gough-

              “No more turning aw ay from the                                           "Behind every good m an there ’
            weak and the weary. No more turn­                                         a surprised woman."
            ing aw ay form the coldness inside.                                                  -Anonymous-
            Just a  world that we must all share,
            it's  not  enough  just  to  stand  and
                       -Pink Floyd-
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