Page 103 - Carrollton 1998
P. 103
Sheila Kaupert
"Yes I know my enemies, they're "Shackle your minds when your
the teachers who taught me to fight bent on the cross, when ignorano
m e, com prom ise, conform ity, reigns life is lost. Shackle the mini
assim ilation, subm ission, igno and you're left on the cross, whei
rance, hypocrisy, brutality, the ignorance reigns life is lost."
elite. All of which are Am erican -Rage Against the Machine-
-Rage Against the Machine- ”It alw ays strikes me, and it is
very peculiar, that whenever we
see the image of indescribable and
unutterable desolation- of loneli
ness, poverty, and misery, the end
and extreme of things- the thought
of God comes into one's mind."
-Van Gough-
“No more turning aw ay from the "Behind every good m an there ’
weak and the weary. No more turn a surprised woman."
ing aw ay form the coldness inside. -Anonymous-
Just a world that we must all share,
it's not enough just to stand and
-Pink Floyd-