Page 139 - Carrollton 1998
P. 139
Top Left: Sophomore Vanessa Bolano feeds her teammate in the baby
feeding contest. Below: The "Glaciers" tug for their lives I tug of war, how-
ever, they are sunk By the “D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F. CREW."
The seco n d a n n u a l W a ck y
World of Sports took place on Sat
urday, M arch 7 after m uch hard
work a n d anticipation. W acky
World w as held on the Carrollton
field w here e a ch team of seven
boys a n d sev en girls p la y five
shifts of gam es, h av e lunch and
then end the d ay with a four w ay
Tug-Of-War. Each team played
crazy g am es such as the B aby
Food Feeding in which a partici
pant would feed their blindfolded
team m ates a jar of b ab y food as
fast a s th e y cou ld . T hey a lso
p lay ed such popular gam es as
Twister, Volleyball, an d Dodge-
bcdl. At the end of the d ay all the
points w ere co u n te d a n d th e
D.I.L.L.I.G, A.F. Crew cam e out vic
torious an d left with a 200 dollar
gift certificate for dinner. A fer
m uch prom otion b y Ms. N eed,
W ack y W orld co n clu d ed a s a
huge success with about 200 peo
ple in attendance. Senior, Almari
Ginori said, "I think this W acky
World w as the best ever. There
w as a p leth ora of g a m e s a n d
everyone seem ed to enjoy it."