Page 65 - Carrollton 1998
P. 65

High School


              The High School academ ics program consists of   children.  Students are required to take four years
             eight different  departments.  These departments   of religion.
             are  English.  Fine  and  Performing Arts.  Religion.   The History department is another department
             Foreign Language, History, Math, Physical Educa­  in  the  High  School.  In  these  classes  the  students
             tion,  and  Science.  Each  Carrollton  student  must   leam  about the past. The classes go on field trips to
             accumulate twenty-eight credits in order to attain   learn more about there material and some classes
             their  diploma.  All  of  these  departm ents  help   put on presentations,  for exam ple during election
             shape the students and thoroughly prepare them   week the government class has put on a  presen­
             for  college.  With the  help  of these  departments,   tation  about the  different  candidates.  “History  is
             Carrollton girls  grow  into  women  as  they  antici­  my  favorite  subject  because  it  is  like  learning  a
             pate the world  they will encounter after gradua­  story." stated freshman Mariana Ruiz when asked
             tion.  When  polled  about  Carrollton's  academ ic   about her World History.
             program, student Gabriella Mena, junior, stated H   Carrollton  em phasizes  that  a   healthy  body
             love  the  fact  that  we  get  to  chose  some  of  the   leads to a  healthy mind.  The administration feels
            classes  we can  take.  It  allows  us  to  take  classes   that it is equally important'to develop the body in
            that we really enjoy."               order to achieve a  well rounded person. Therefore,
              In Carrollton a  great stress in emphasized on the   it is essential for the students to fulfill their one year
            students ability to write in an  eloquent and intelli­  requirement. "Physical Education was my favorite
            gent manner. This is the reason why the academ ­  class  because  I w as  actually  working  out  m y
            ic program consists of so m any choices of classes   body,” said senior A na Carreno.
            to take when it comes to English. The students are   Science is one of  the  strongest departments  in
            enthusiastic about this subject because of the cre­  Carrollton. With the teachers' unique style, the stu­
            ativity  involved.  The  students  are  motivated to   dents  enjoy  learning  about  nature,  molecules,
            enter contests and have a  sense of freedom when   and other topics.  The students can  choose to join
            writing. Carrollton students must take four years of   the Science Club if their interest exceeds What the
            English and thus develop into present day Shgke-   courses offer and this w ay they can  further pursue
            speares by the time they leave the school.  the  field.  "I  will  never  forget  the  analogy  Mr.
              Another department that has a  great deal to do   Crockwell  m ade  betw een  Dynamic  Equilibrium
            with  creativity  is  the  Performing  and  Fine  Arts   and  a   bathroom  during  halftime  at  a   Dolphin's
            Department.  This  department  appeals  to  all  the:   gam e,"  said  senior Ana-Mari  Calleja.  This  com ­
            artists  in  Carrollton.  The  students  of  the  school   ment was in reference to the teaching style that
            interested  in  this  field  participate  in  all  sorts  of   helped her remember the concept; telling a  story
            events  that take  place throughout  the year.  The   that relates to life  today.  This is truly one of Car­
            Spring production, as well as musical lunches and   rollton's best areas.
            Masquerade  Ball  are  some  of  the  activities  that   Math in Carrollton is very demanding of the stu­
            involve  this  department.  Along with  these,  are   dent,  however  with the  help  of  the teachers the
            also  Studio  Art  and  Photography  classes  which   subject easier than it really is. It is taught by these
            cater to those who like to work with visual images.   teachers that in life much has to do with logic and
            Speech  and   D ebate  are  offered  for  those  who   they  work  hard  to  bring  out  this  skill,  which  is
            enjoy expressing themselves verbally. Sophomore   directly related to  all types  of  math,  in  their stu­
            Daniel Corona commented that,  “The Performing   dents,  Mu  Alpha  Theta  is  a   club  that  revolves
            Art department always  has  a  new and creative   around the practice of math. This club is very suc­
            surprise to pull out of their hat".  cessful  at  Carrollton.  It  has won  m any  competi­
              Religion is a  very important part of the acad e­  tions  and  gained national  recognition.  M ath in
            m ic program.  Here  the  students are  encouraged   the High School is not a  drag.  It is considered fun
            to  help the  community  as well  as  themselves.   and exciting.
            They learn about the history of the church and the   In general. Carrollton's program is a  preparato­
            church's view on morality. At Carrollton, students   ry for college.  It crims  to m ake  college  easier by
            are taught to work with others to try to give some­  requiring that the students take classes that they
            thing to those who do not have anything. "I really   will need for the future. It is rigorous and beneficial
            enjoy  getting  out  early  to  go  to  service,"  said   because of its demands. A  graduate of Carrollton
            senior Carolina Garcia who later went on to say, “I   walks aw ay  with  a   knowledge  far  beyond  the
            love to see the smiles on the children's faces". This   call of all  high  School.  They  Walk aw ay as well
            was in reference to her agency in which she helps  rounded Sacred Heart women.

       "Traveling around   "I see myself mar­  °I see myself in ten   "I  see  myself  in   “Traveling abroad   "Chilling  on  the
       the world."  - fresh­  ried to a  hot guy."   years being a  rich   Cuba  with  my   doing  scientific   beach   in
       man Raquel Vadia  -  senior  Elena  De   fashion  designer."   family" - freshmen   research."  - senior   Varadero,"
                         Blank              -  freshmen  Vero   Melissa Rodriguez  Laura Mcmillian  Junior    Gaby
                                            Perez                                                  Mena
                                   Where do you see yourself ten years from now?
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