Page 100 - Yggdrasil 1985
P. 100

 “Don't love it so well, Clark or it may be takeiraw ^W (M H iffi Oh, dear boy, pray that whatever your sacrifice may be, nTJT; not that/'
— W ilia Gather
"An honest man has hardly need to count more iha Iiis ten fingers, or in extreme cases he may add his ten toes, and lump the rest.” — Henry David Tnoreau —
"Nothing is at last sacred but the .ntegriry of your ovan mind. — Ralph Waldo Emerson —
GUATAQUERA ... chime, P°r favor ... I’m on a diet ... Eden Rock Beach ... My tutor^Ltake.a picture ... Ultra Lights ... VENEZUELA . . . “No te partas*'rwwake up, N ati. . . Que tragedia ... Piano Competition ... J.J.J. ... Check him out... Daphne’s ... I can’t go^Otaye to practic&***#®ftlbaihador^[fts|dad^j^^.. j G and I broke ... No stuaym ^^^M ||^^^epc epa chama ... 5 o’clock wake up calls... Qu§ iielajd^iSM
estos nifios ... Venezuelian type ... speed ta lk ... “You’re not ready” ... Astreca ... Que cafta^H
mittee 12

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