Page 99 - Yggdrasil 1985
P. 99

 ■la ... Anl^^^H .. Crisis caH
Blair... Iam^B
Konga . . . Esta enre BOemer ... Max is my DOG Bridgid can’t go out, she has
■BHPKed ... Que pena ... QHS^B HRs...Swenson’s...notmyraaraH ^ I promise ... Stefano’s ... Spandaui 3/11/83 ... Chica Wow ... The Michael
Defense Attorney for M.B. and M,H. Ballet„ .. Mari-How is Rusty? ... Alex- still
is thereT’W . Muffy. and Buffy . . . (VWS) .. Munchies ^SjXhird Round Rookie ... Laura
checking if the merchandise
10/26/84 ... Dad’s Midnight
anddkimmunism mix like oil and vinegar .I’h^en fights in A.P. ... Mom antf Bfed-my mentors my friends . . . Do I look fat? . . . Rosami otra madre
■Hicois-mi negro responsable ... J.C.-is he a great friend ... Silvia- V Jof C FRUSTRATION ... Me and my traumas ... Twinkle Toes Bridgid sucffsis life ... los problemas de mi vida ... Je n’ai pas'd’identification The Stefano’s Incidents . . . Quizzums . . . Goochums . . . Senior Straight Golfeg to live in Madagascar . . . Summer of ’83 . . . Chuchiflix o muerte somef^rls have all the luck ... closeup ’83 ... Brigida ... Titi, Cristina, Linda, aftdjigp^chy- it’s not 2:10 yet ... Halloween ’84 ... A.C Thanks- Mom, Dad, J.C., Frank, Rosa, ABN, ABR, Bridge, & Sylvia . . . MADONNA
. . . Europa
Youth comes but once in a lifetime. Longfellow
La grande ambition des femmes est, croyez moi, d’inspirer de l’amour. Moliere
IMake wisdom your provision for the journey from youth to old age, for it is more certain support than all other possessions.
^evidence of our will is the object of our existence. Amerson
a friend? A single soul|jCffielhng in two bodies. ‘''*lfcjteiA ristotle
NiSf1 i 1- '

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