Page 117 - Carrollton 2004
P. 117
J L . he week of September 8 tl
* through the 12th/ the new freshmen werl
| initiated into the High School with a traditioi
| ! that has lived on for years. Welcome Fresh
f; men Week, juniors are assigned a freshman t<
" be their little sister and for a week th
Yetto still dressing
Juniors dress their little sisters according t<
lnev little sister.
the theme of the week. This year the theme was
"Under the Seaf^and Juniors had no shame
jMenacho and
dressing fh&ir little sisters up as ridiculously
pirate little sisitee^
as possible. Some costumes included sharks,
Natalie Robdriguez.
pirates, jjeUy fish, beach bums, and even a
UM swimmer. Everyone had fun bonding!
with their sisters.
Yym Yum. Freshman Charlotte Marill, Laura Cartagena, arid Alison Tague
enjoying lunch and being dressed up.