Page 162 - Carrollton 2004
P. 162

Music Appreciation Oiub

        The goal of the music club is not only to helpreveal the   Katherine Besu, Dillon Burke, cJenelle Busto, Teresa Ckanxorro,

        hiddenmusical talents of students amongst the high    Teresa Cobian-Tooar, Danlella Degado, Fernanda Esteoez, Alexandra


        school but to helpall students enoy music as well.  They    Gallo, Melissa Gallo, Katie Garcia, Inells Garcla-Pena, Luclana

        workedhardto put together the first ever "Carrollton Jam  Glangcandi, 8opKla HassoirGrando, MartKa Lorla, Helena Martinez,

        Session," inwhichseveral students performedwhile the   SaraK Moody, Nicole Morenxan, A na Nasxirrete, M arla Carolina

        rest of the highschool jammedalong.  ROCKON      Nelson, Alell Pardo, HannaK Rick, Monica Rosell, Eugenia Santaella,

                                                         Melissa Teran, Jessica T ender
                                                         Club Officers:  Presidents:  Helena Martinez and Jessica Tonder,
                                                         Secretary: Monica Rosell
                   y O o r^ n ^ fo r yOomon

        Workingfor Womenis a club that gears its focus towards
        womens issues.  Theyhave raisedmoneyfor breast cancer   Alessandca Alarcon, Cristina Alfonso, M ariana Becerra, Alexandra


        bycollecting Yoplait yogurt lids andcollectedcell phones   Block, Joanne Butler, Desiree Diaz, Ckrlstlna Donnelly, Janeen


        for domestic abuse victims. Theyalso hadJudge Mlian   Drakes, Carolyn Hicks, Skaryne Hyder, Anxanda Iglesias, Victoria
                                                            Lauredo, Claudia Leon, Dolores Luna, Tkals Magglolo, Olga

        from"The Peoples Court" as a guest speaker.         Megrabian, Melissa Meruelo, Natalie Meruelo,  Gabrlella Morello,
                                                            Luisa Munera, Jaclyn O’Conner, N ataska Otrajkl, 8aniantka Paz,
        Club Officers: President- Monica Defortuna, Vce President-   Caltlln Riston, Natalie Rodriguez, Ckrlstlne Roiaan, A ndrea Suarez,
        Luisa Munera, Secretary/Treasurer- Amanda Iglesias  Gabrlella Telio, Carolina Varela, Terry Vazquez
                                                                                          High. School Clubs
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