Page 295 - Carrollton 2004
P. 295
W e are not poets I
and We know) it. But i
we do love you and
know th at you will I
succeed in whatever 'ilBll
you do. W e will miss I
Interiors by you around the m
STUDIO house next year, but ®
of course We have a
SOUTH few Words of advice
to offer you:
Lie. 0001536
Specializing in renovation and creative interior designs. and learn well!
Our retail store contains fine furnishings and I know you
decorative accessories for the unique palette. will do Well beacuse
Large selection of designer fabrics &. accessories.
you studied.
Store Hours: Mon - Sat 9 AM to 5 PM
305-361-5910 Socks- you’re on your own.
Fax 305-361-3853
260 Crandon Blvd., Suite 13, Key Biscayne, FL 33149 Love,
Dad, Mom, Workout, Peaches, and the 10 Aqua Kids.
m m Diana Poitier’s Salon, Ind
i O evitalize your body
A full service salon
; inside and o ut A for men and women
•Pevonia Botanical
products, renowned I
worldwide in the best I i l l Color
' spas, were created ana ; Highlights
■nspired to be ecologicidlfj Manicures
'balanced. Rejuvenating •_
treatments that tp$e an^L’ Wmw Pedicures
nourish the body ahdy .g Facials
complexion. Massage
Natural formulas that - t/; Permanent Make-Up
are relaxing and soothing,SI Waxing
that will make you feel % ..
and look youthjfuL v.Jj?' w m
Discover the essence- of :3> 305- 365-2166
Pevonia and you will
discover another parr of: m 260 C randon Boulevard « S u ite:
Ǥ Key Biscayne, FL 33149
D iana Poitiers Salon Inci
Congratulates the
W e lov?e you, M arie
Class of 2004! ■
arid C hristy
2 9 4 . Behind the Seams